Our Blog
June 4, 2024

Hey there Jigso community members, you have asked and we’ve made it happen! We’re excited to announce that Gmail and Google Calendar integrations are now available! 

For those that are new, Jigso is your AI command center that keeps you on top of your work efficiency and makes sure you never drop the ball at work.  Connect Jigso to your apps and files and it will babysit them so you don’t have to, automatically track important activity and alert you the second it happens, autonomously detect and curate action items from all communication channels and much more!  The more apps you connect, the more Jigso can do for you! Learn more about the issues Jigso solves or about Jigso itself, check out one of our earlier articles. 

The addition of Gmail and Google Calendar to an already wide list of current integrations - including Slack, Salesforce, Hubspot, Zendesk, Jira and more - allows for more streamlining of work, admin and communications. All to ensure you never drop the ball! 

We don’t always communicate in Slack! For enterprise users, Jigso AI is now able to autonomously detect & curate action items directly from your emails from Gmail, further extending the safety net.

With the connection to Google Calendar, initially Jigso will automatically send you reminders to follow up after meetings! 

Learn more about the enterprise version of Jigso in a previous article and set up time with the Jigso team for a Jigso demo here

Stay tuned for more news and updates on Jigso and don’t forget to follow us on Linkedin or Twitter for the latest!

Oren Langberg
Head of Marketing & Community
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