Our Blog
June 4, 2024

In previous articles we broke down what Jigo’s Sidekick, or professional AI assistant, does and how it helps alleviate and supercharge sales & marketing teams as well as customer success & support teams.  Next up! How Sidekick allows upper management and administrative positions to stay on top of their work game!

Upper management across areas leverage Sidekick to cut through the noise, receive full observability company-wide, to remove blind spots and remain proactive. Put Sidekick to work as your executive AI assistant to monitor and alert you to important activity, get details about sales pipeline, client health and product development. Instead of searching through various apps or files and building reports or scouring through email threads and slack discussions, all in chat form, just ask Sidekick questions to get the answers you need.

All backend company operations having to do with legal, HR, finance and accounting is the unseen work that keeps the organization’s gears oiled and moving. This work brings with it a lot of text heavy content reading and research, details and figures, many documents and files, all of which and more requires you to be on point and precise. One wrong detail or figure could mean sending an employee the wrong paycheck, missing paying a supplier, a contract to a prospective client with a mistake, invoicing the wrong amount to a client and many more. 

Company Management & Department Heads:

Sales & Marketing:

Sales team leads, directors, and VPs remain proactive with Jigso by understanding and monitoring all aspects of sales operations, development and pipeline health - all in chat form. Ask Jigso for breakdowns of your pipeline by team, region or quarter. Ask it for specific details, follow up questions or to track prospects and keywords.  Schedule weekly reports, understand bottlenecks early, summarize text heavy content and communications and more. 

Check out just some of the Jigso use cases:

  • Show me a breakdown of team and individual members’ performance with questions 
  • How many meetings were booked for each sales executive in the past month 
  • What is the average sales cycle 
  • What’s the total pipeline amount per region 
  • Is the EMEA team hitting their target for this quarter, 
  • which opportunities are stuck in Discovery for more than 30 days 
  • Let me know when major opportunities are won, stuck or lost 
  • Let me know when actual vs target performance is achieved 
  • Let me know when client ‘Nike’ completes onboarding 
  • What is the total pipeline amount by region this quarter 
  • what is the average sales cycle
  • Show me a list of clients end of their PoC this quarter
  • Track all mentions of “Nike”, “P&G”, “Burger King” 
  • Send me a list of opportunities over 100k
  • Send me a snapshot of target vs actual revenue goals
  • Send me a list of the total number of deals created by region in the last 30 days
  • Every Friday at 9am, send me a summary of the #general discussion from the last week
  • Send me a list of Jira issues stuck for more than 7 days
  • Send me a list of all clients up for contract renewal in Q3
  • Let me know when “Puma” finishes onboarding
  • Send me a list of clients currently at “risk”

Customer Success & Support:

From team leads, directors and VPs of Customer Success, Jigso gives full observability and allows you to be proactive over clients, product development and issues, teams and team members. Rather than race across apps, teams, clients, and communications to get as full a picture as possible, use Sidekick to understand client health, issues, and renewals, monitor and track clients, issues and keywords throughout all apps and docs, schedule reports, summarize text heavy content and communications, set reminders, receive automatic action items and alerts, and more.  

Check out some examples of how you can use Jigso:

  • Show me contracts up for renewal in the next 3 months 
  • Show me the amount of churn per quarter by in the U.S. and APAC 
  • Show me the amount of churn by Chris in the last 6 months 
  • What is the total pipeline amount by region this quarter 
  • Show me a list of clients at risk by region or by CS manager, 
  • Show me a list of clients 30 days from the end of their PoC  
  • Track all mentions of “churn”
  • Track all mentions of Tempo Inc, Paradise Corp, and Beverly Institute
  • Send me a list of customers under PoC 
  • Send a summary of customer satisfaction scores (CSAT, NPS)
  • Let me know when a ticket in Zendesk is stuck in the same stage for more than 7 days
  • Let me know when a client is stuck in onboarding for more than 10 days
  • Send me a list of all tickets in critical


Swamped by tons of moving parts, many documents, constant updates, check out just a few examples of how people in legal, finance and accounting never drop the ball:

  • Track all mentions of “Nike”, “P&G”, “Burger King” 
  • Track all mentions of “contract” “legal” “red line”
  • Send me a list of all clients up for contract renewal in Q3
  • Send me a list of clients in “Contract” 
  • Which clients have been in “Contract” for more than 14 days
  • Which clients are ending their PoC in Q3
  • Let me know when “Tempo Inc.” reaches contract
  • Which clients are on net 30 payment terms
  • What clients are overdue on payment for 30 days or more
  • What are the copyright laws in the UK

The following are a few use cases for how those in HR use Jigso to stay on point:

  • Summarize Jacob’s resume 
  • Which candidate has experience with Python
  • What is the company policy on vacation days
  • What is the onboarding schedule for new employees
  • Write me an exciting email to the company about an upcoming hackathon event
  • Summarize the #general channel from the last week
  • What’s the email address of Steve Richards
  • What are the allowed trip expenses for London per day
  • Remind me to send accounting the tax form of Amanda Kipnot

These are just several examples of how to leverage your Jigso. Jigso's biggest contributors to product features are our community of Jigso Pros that provide direct feedback, feature and design ideas, as well as early testing. As such the number of ways Sidekick can be used only expands. Join us on this journey to ensure everyone has a professional Sidekick to supercharge their workdays!! If you haven’t done so already, give Jigso a test drive and connect it to all your work apps to maximize its value.  

Stay tuned for future articles on how Jigso is supercharging teams in nearly 2,500 companies across industries worldwide.

Oren Langberg
Head of Marketing
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