Our Blog
June 4, 2024

Hey there Jigso lovers! With Jigso AI initially launching less than a year ago, today it’s supercharging teams in over 2,700 companies. Our users are paramount and since the beginning we’ve made it clear to be a community-driven product where Jigso users are the products biggest contributors.  

You’re in on the ground floor! Although in its initial phase, the Jigso community will expand, become more robust, have exclusive events & benefits on multiple levels, make key product contributions, guide each other and more!

To show our appreciation to the community & their contributions, we’re launching a giveaway of $500 Amazon gift cards to 3 lucky Jigso users! 


On February 21st, 3 users will be randomly selected as the winners and then contacted!

To be eligible:
  • You must be a Jigso user 
  • We kindly ask you to fill out a product feedback form sent from Jigso on Slack. 

Check your messages from Jigso on Slack and click on the link to fill out the form! 

If you haven’t already installed Jigso AI Basic, you can do so here! To learn about Jigso for enterprise, book time with the team here.

Good luck!

Oren Langberg
Head of Marketing & Community
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